Year: 2018

The EIA [US Energy Information Administration] estimates that US crude oil exports increased by 597,000 bpd (barrels per day) to record high of 2,175,000 bpd on March 23–30, […]

Fixed Income
Deficiencies in the current U.S. political ecology make it difficult for the efficient administration of the federal government, so the national economic development derails from […]

Financial Markets
But the real danger is that we see an escalation into a full-blown trade war. Given the rise of economic nationalism and increasing numbers of […]

Go Local, UnAnaswered Questions, & Inspiration
“Life is an unanswered question, but let’s still believe in the dignity and importance of the question.” ~Tennessee Williams GO LOCAL This is a year […]

Top News Videos
Tucker: Facebook is Destroying America and its Kids YouTube | 10 November 2017 Black Gun Owner Slams Gov’t: Why Do You Want To Take Away […]

Trump Report Card
Category Catherine’s 2017 Grade Catherine’s 2018 Q1 Grade Dr. Farrell’s 2017 Grade Dr. Farrell’s 2018 Q1 Grade Vision B- C B- C- Recruiting a Team […]

Who’s Who in Space Enterprise
“According to consulting firm Bryce Space and Technology, since 2000, start-up space ventures have attracted more than $18.4bn of investment, including $6.3bn in early and […]

News Trends & Stories
We can’t quite decide if the world is growing worse, or if the reporters are just working harder. ~The Houghton Line, November 1965 Table of […]

Trends We Track
“The future will be determined in part by happenings that it is impossible to foresee; it will also be influenced by trends that are now […]